A Summer Breakfast Swiss Chard Colorful swiss chard at the farmers market looks so beautiful! How can a food that looks that pretty be edible as well as nutritious? When I looked up this vegetable to learn about the nutrition, The World’s Healthiest Foods website suggests that only the white stems are good to eat. However, I stir fry the colored stems, too, and they are excellent cooked that way. I discovered other recipes of Swiss chard with a variety of ways to cook the stems as well as the leaves and colored stems such as these websites: poorandglutenfree.blogspot.com – I love Poor and Gluten Free’sRead More →

Hamburgers on the Grill NOTE: This post contains an affiliate link which means if you click on it and make a purchase, I make a commission. This doesn’t cost you anything additional. These commissions help to keep the rest of my content free, so thank you! Barbecue hamburgers have already gone on the grill for this Father’s Day weekend. They’re jam-packed with chopped-up yellow and green bell peppers and onion with one egg added to the mix. Families with adults kids who dislike eating vegetables, sneak in some colorful bell peppers in your meat. Chop them up very fine and put them in the middleRead More →

Buttermilk was often enjoyed by my family as I grew up as a night-time snack with crackers. I have many memories of my dad standing at the end of the kitchen counter drinking the stuff. He would crush a few crackers into the buttermilk and eat them with a spoon. It’s about like eating soup with crushed crackers. My parents and brothers liked buttermilk, but I never did. I tried it a couple of times, but one taste was all the sour I could stand. Later, when I was married and learning to cook, I discovered great recipes that called for buttermilk like pancakes andRead More →

Easy & Juicy Ribeye Today I went to the supermarket and purchased two bone-in ribeyes. “If you decide to make a purchase through my link, Amazon will pay me a commission for it. This doesn’t cost you anything additional. These commissions help to keep the rest of my content free, so thank you!” I’ve cooked them before in my slow cooker for four hours. But this time, I did it differently. I sprinkled the steaks generously with seasoning and put them in the crockpot and didn’t cover them with foil. It didn’t dawn on me until two-and-a-half hours later that I forgot to wrap themRead More →

Recently, I was trying to think of a fruity dessert to bring to my writers’ critique group. At first, I thought about strawberries. It must be that pre-summer heat that made me want a dessert with fruit. However, I didn’t have any berries on hand. I looked at what I had in the kitchen pantry and noticed a large box of instant vanilla pudding mix. Hmmm. That sounded good. Then I remembered that I had put a carton of no-sugar mandarin orange packs in the fridge. Ah-ha! I knew what I would bring to share with the writers. A pudding with mandarin oranges. Yum. CreatingRead More →

Chocolate is worth enjoying occasionally! It’s fun to sit down to an artfully prepared and appetizing breakfast, brunch, snack or dessert (especially chocolate). That’s part of the enjoyment I get out of blogging on Kitchen Southern Hospitality. When I visited a Houston cafe with my daughter, my granddaughters, and friend, I could not resist trying out the featured fancy chocolate muffin shown above. Of course, I had a good excuse reason to buy and devour it – I’m a food blogger! It was the most mouthwatering, delectable, ooey-gooey deliciousness I could have imagined. Mmmmm!!! Twelve Joyful Home Kitchen Things to Try “If you decide toRead More →

Having trouble losing weight? If you have tried to lose weight and the scales say the same thing they always say or even creep up a little, don’t give up trying. For months, I’ve been stuck on the same thing and really wanted to drop some pounds off. A couple months ago, I visited my daughter and her family. When I’m there, I like to cook for them and make special things for my little granddaughters. Well, I guess I indulged too much on the goodies (and I wasn’t even baking on that visit). My clothes started to fit uncomfortably. By the time I cameRead More →

Welcome to Over-the-Road (OTR) blogging! Pictures not looking like they should on your iPhone or home computer? Not a problem. When I get a chance to blog on steady ground, no bouncing, no “NO SERVICE”, I’ll remedy the situation. In the meantime, please come on board with me for a few moments to read about my OTR breakfast. Breakfast began today with coffee purchased at a truck stop. The truck stop had a Dairy Queen which does not offer breakfast on their menu. Sorry, Dairy Queen, you didn’t make a sale off of us this morning. Perhaps you should consider adding breakfast. Dairy Queen goes backRead More →

Egg and sausage muffin with habanero peach jelly is a good meal to begin the day. And it’s an easy breakfast for truckers. Buy an egg and sausage muffin at McDonald’s, at a truckstop deli, or cook it in the big rig. Early one morning on the OTR trip with my husband in his big rig I had a “That’s it!” moment. I found out who sells the habanero jelly I like. Have you ever had an egg and sausage muffin breakfast with hot jelly? You’ve gotta try it. Read More →