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Convincing kids to eat eggs can be a challenge. Here’s a way to get them to eat eggs. Put the kids in the kitchen with an egg slicer (with your supervision), and let them help make the Easy Egg Salad for a Toddler.

Kids in the Kitchen – The Egg Slicer

My grand little loves to help cook when I visit. She and her younger sister like to help me cook. They discovered a kitchen gadget one time that also makes a fun musical instrument. The egg slicer. After a few days of watching the girls play their new “instrument”, an idea occurred to me.

Easy Egg Salad for Toddlers
Egg Slicer/Musical Instrument

Calling my three-year-old grand over to me, I lifted the top of the slicer and said, “An egg goes there and you push the top down to slice the egg.” She was quite interested and wanted to go slice the egg right then.

“First, Grummy has to boil the eggs. When they’re ready, I’ll let you slice the eggs,” I promised her.

How I Boil Eggs

Wasting no time, I went to the kitchen to get four eggs out of the fridge. I placed them into a pot of cold water, put the pot on the stove, and boiled the eggs for five minutes. Placing a lid on the pot, I let the eggs stay in the hot water for 20 minutes. I ran cool water from the faucet over them then put them in the refrigerator until we were ready to make our egg salad.

Little grand was so excited to slice the egg. She thought it was so much fun and wanted to slice all four eggs. Her excitement continued. She wanted to stir the mayonnaise and other ingredients. Of course, I was happy to let her.

When the salad was ready, little grand and her sister couldn’t wait to eat it – and WITHOUT bread. The little one loves to eat now that she’s discovered “real” food. Her older sister, however, gets a bit picky with food. This time, though, she was so anxious to try “her” new recipe. I was quite surprised because, normally, she doesn’t want to eat eggs unless I make her an egg sandwich.

Easy Egg Salad

Need a simple monthly kid-friendly menu? Plan one easy egg salad a week, and include different ingredients. Here are a few ideas to add with the boiled eggs:

  • apples
  • avocadoes
  • celery
  • cheese
  • cranberries
  • grapes

I love the Easy Egg Salad recipe from Kristine’s Kitchen with the avocados. I’ve made one like it, and it’s one of my favorite egg salads. You can never run out of ways to make egg salad.

I’m sure you have probably made plenty of egg salad sandwiches, but here is the recipe little grand and I made:

Want to add meat to your egg salad? Add chicken. See these twelve chicken salad ideas and Festive Chicken Salad recipe by clicking here.


  1. I’ve never used apple in egg salad before, but I plan to try. That’s a great way to sneak more vitamins and fiber into egg salad.

    1. Author

      Try the egg salad with apple and let me know how you like it. 🙂

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