Ribeye and Egg Sandwich – a Kitchen Southern Hospitality Recipe
Start the day with ribeye and eggs. Save your grilled ribeye leftovers to make easy meal combinations like sandwiches.Read More →
Cause & Helps with Food Cravings Finding it difficult to stay away from junk snacks or sweets? I get you on that struggle. When you want something salty or sweet, nothing makes the cravings go away. Find out what causes these cravings, learn my veggie trick to stop you from gorging on junk foods, and get the recipe that helped me lose thirty pounds.Read More →
Make this Italian Sandwich made from spinach-grilled hamburgers and these four organic herbs. Four herbs to use for an Italian sandwich You’ll need the following four fresh herbs (a list I’ve described by their flavors) for this Italian-style open-faced sandwich. basil – has a sweet peppery, minty flavor cilantro – has a flavor similar to celery and mint mixed fennel – tastes like black licorice rosemary – a sweet minty flavor Nutritional Values and Uses for Basil Basil is a good source of Vitamins A, C, K, iron, and calcium. Did you know that basil can beRead More →
Make a Sandwich from a Slow Cooker Baked Chicken Bake a chicken in your slow cooker. Then see how many meals you can get out of it. Start with a nutritious chicken and avocado sandwich. Enjoy the whole sandwich yourself, or cut it in half it and share a snack with someone.Read More →
February is filled with dip, snack, and dessert recipes galore for Super Bowl get-togethers and Valentine’s Day. But what about after those two most popular occasions? After all those snacks and sweets, veggies sound very appetizing. Too many snacks and desserts can pack on the pounds quickly. I’ve been choosing more protein meals, cutting back on meat (although I love it), and increasing vegetable and fruit intake. Veggies for Breakfast This morning I started off with a veggie-packed three-egg omelet. Too many eggs? Perhaps not. My husband met a professional truck driver who feeds his pet macaw a four-egg omelet for breakfast. I had theRead More →
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