Cooking meals for one can be enjoyable – and simple. Write down a list of foods you enjoy. Like eggs, pancakes, ribeye steak or taco salad? Make these part of your breakfast, lunch, and dinner menu plans. Meals for One As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you decide to make a purchase through my link, Amazon will pay me a commission for it. This doesn’t cost you anything additional. These commissions help to keep the rest of my content free, so thank you! How Do You Cook When You Live Alone? I’ve listed a few pointers below to help you learn howRead More →

February is filled with dip, snack, and dessert recipes galore for Super Bowl get-togethers and Valentine’s Day. But what about after those two most popular occasions? After all those snacks and sweets, veggies sound very appetizing. Too many snacks and desserts can pack on the pounds quickly. I’ve been choosing more protein meals, cutting back on meat (although I love it), and increasing vegetable and fruit intake. Veggies for Breakfast This morning I started off with a veggie-packed three-egg omelet. Too many eggs? Perhaps not. My husband met a professional truck driver who feeds his pet macaw a four-egg omelet for breakfast. I had theRead More →