My vegetarian breakfast menu for today was oatmeal (the minute-cooking kind), toast, and apple slices. Easy breakfast for kiddos. It’s filling, nutritious, and it’s quick to prepare. Good thing because when my three little grandchildren are hungry, having to wait is not a priority.
My granddaughters are used to having honey in their oats. I make it for them like their mom makes it for them – oats and honey cooled with an ice cube.

I like butter and milk in my oatmeal. This is acceptable by lacto-vegetarians because they use dairy products. However, if you are an ovo-vegetarian and you prefer not to use dairy, you could leave the butter out and use almond milk.

Breakfast included the oatmeal and peanut butter toast for my two older grandchildren, and my little grandson and I had buttered toast and oats. He had baby food oatmeal mixed with fruit. He is one and loves bread already, so he was excited to be handed pieces of buttered toast. My daughter doesn’t generally keep bread on hand, but she doesn’t mind me occasionally buying bread and fixing toast for the kids when I visit. Actually, peanut butter on toasted bread tastes as good as buttered toast or better.
I haven’t added a separate recipe for oatmeal since it is so easy to cook. But try these added suggestions of toppings to eat with your oatmeal:
- Raisins and pecans
- Raisins and walnuts
- Dried cherries
- Dried cranberries
- Slice bananas
- One tablespoon of Nutella
- One tablespoon of peanut butter
- Chunks of apple
Add more to the list. Share other options that you enjoy eating in oatmeal.
I was on the road for awhile today, so lunch was not-so-healthy fast-food grilled cheese. For dinner, I had a veggie plate of broccoli and cheese, peas, and mashed potatoes and gravy. Perhaps, my choices were not the most nutritious on this vegetarian journey today. But I enjoyed them nonetheless.
The meatless second day of my thirty-days vegetarian eating wasn’t so bad. The most nutritious part of it was broccoli, peas, and the oatmeal.

See chocolate oatmeal in a jar for more ideas of what to add to oatmeal.
I’ll be back again tomorrow with Day Three of my vegetarian journey.
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