Changing Up Work Out Routines with a Follow Up of Refreshing Shakeology
Do you change up your work out routines? The 21-Day Fix DVDs offer a variety of cardio, upper body, lower body, Pilates, Dirty 30, Yoga, and even 10-minute exercises. Enjoy a chilled nutritious Shakeology drink after working out, and you will feel refreshed.
Over 50 and not sure if you’re up to working out? This Fitness Grummy totally understands. Do what you can, and follow the modified version on each DVD. That’s what I’ve done, and it is working great for me.
Since I began the 21-Day Fix fitness program, I’ve lost 23 pounds and am still losing. The weight has come off slowly for me. But I consider the positive effects I have had. For instance, exercising with weights consistently has made a tremendous difference in my joints and problem areas.
Strengthen Weak Areas
Over three years ago I was involved in an auto accident, and I have experienced a lot of pain and weakness in my left knee and leg. Doctor visits and tests revealed the issues that I needed help with. Acupuncture and chiropractic treatments helped, and my chiropractor showed me exercises that I needed to continue. I could barely lift up my leg or turn myself over to do any exercise without pain. But I never gave up.
Acupuncture and chiropractic treatments helped, and my chiropractor showed me exercises that I needed to continue. I could barely lift up my leg or turn myself over to do any exercise without pain. But I never gave up.
Working out with the 21-Day Fix DVDs has brought about an amazing strength that I did not have before. When doing the mat exercises, it has been all I could do to just get up. The fitness group on the DVDs would already be into the next exercise when I was barely up on my feet, but I kept trying.
Working Out in the Spring
It’s good to change up the exercise routine, and there are several other programs Beachbody offers that you may want to try out. However, there is a wonderful outdoor exercise that I like to do – gardening. Spring and rain have caused the weeds to pop up like crazy in our yard. I Hula hoe and rake weeds – great outdoor spring fitness.
Conditioning my body by consistent fitness exercise along with careful measurement of food intake has changed my life. I love using the colorful containers included with the plan and eat fewer proportions than previously.
Do I still love to eat? Very much so. But hardly do I ever get sweet cravings anymore like I used to. That’s due to the Shakeology I drink.
Speaking of Shakeology, allow me to share the recipe I made. Do you like mango? Hawaiian flavors? If so, you’ll like this tasty delight. Make it for yourself and your spouse or for you and a friend who wants to get fit with you. After three hours of scraping, pulling, and raking weeds, this recipe makes a refreshing nutritious drink.

Mango Hawaiian Vanilla Shakeology
A nutritious and refreshing drink
- 2 cups water
- 1 scoop Vanilla Shakeology
- 2 packets Splenda
- 2 tablespoons Unsweetened Coconut
- 1 each Mango, sliced
- 6 cubes Ice
- 1/2 cup Frozen banana slices
Add all ingredients together into a blender.
Choose the chop/grate/grind buttons, then blend and frappe.
Pour into two large glasses or Shakeology cups, and enjoy.
Got more Hawaiian Shakeology recipes? Share in the comment section below. I’d love to try them out.