Ribbon Cane Syrup – a Breakfast Food   NOTE: This post contains an affiliate link which means if you click on it and make a purchase, I make a commission. This doesn’t cost you anything additional. These commissions help to keep the rest of my content free, so thank you! How can you go from craving homemade salsa and chips to ribbon cane syrup? It’s simple. When you grow a garden, especially one with several tomato plants, you constantly have tomatoes and peppers. Add an herb garden to that, and you mix in cilantro, dill, and any other tasty greens to make an original homemadeRead More →

Weekends are kind of like mini-holidays for people who work Monday through Friday. Mornings are typically rushed during the week with little time to spend extra time in the kitchen. One of the fanciest breakfasts I remember my mother making was French toast. I only got to have that when on vacation. The occasion was when my two young stepdaughters were on a summer visit. The eldest, Ivy, who stayed right by Mother’s side to watch, said, “I know how to make French toast.” A bond between those two began that day. They were so much alike in some ways. Possible perfectionists, they had aRead More →